Black History

Celebrating Juneteenth



June 19th is Juneteenth, a combination of June and 19th. On this day – 155 years ago, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Union army General Gordon Granger read a proclamation, announcing that slaves were free in Galveston, Texas, one of the farthest regions of the United States.

This anniversary is also called Freedom Day and Jubilee Day. My personal favorite is Black Fourth of July.

Juneteenth is a good time to reflect. Think about white allies who want to know what they can do to support Black people.

First, I am not mad. I am engaged, protesting on social media, voting-by-mail and practicing social distance. And I am talking up the 2020 Census. Each and everyone of us must stand up and be counted. As this White House proves, our lives and livelihoods depend on our engagement.

Second, despite the global pandemic, economic crisis and centuries-long fight against racism, I am optimistic. I am proud to be a Black woman. In our country, Black woman have a critical role to play this year, especially with regards to the 2020 election.  We have the power to vote, turnout others to vote and leverage change for our community. Black women are one of the most influential voting blocs. We must use our power

When Black women show up, things change. Remember back in February – dog years ago – in South Carolina. Over 60 percent of primary voters in the Palmetto State are Black. Yet we are only 27 percent of the state’s population. Black voters picked up and pushed former Vice President Joe Biden over the top, helping him win enough delegates on June 2nd to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

Biden has promised to nominate a Black woman for the Supreme Court of the United States. And the pool of contenders for his running mate has not one, but four top candidates who are Black women – Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), US Representative Val Demings (D-FL), Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

Third, there are many reasons to celebrate this Juneteenth. After I count my blessings, I remind my white friends that they have an opportunity to be a change agent and ally. By starting with the Black colleague right next to you. Making sure your colleague is paid fairly, treated equitably and has the same opportunities to advance will make a big difference. Use your privilege to help end systemic racism – Hire a diverse staff and group of consultants or vendors.

And if you see bad behavior, say something.  That’s the only way the culture will change and end institutionalized racism. Just imagine if everyone took this step.

Finally, the fight against racism and white supremacy is an intergenerational, multiethnic effort. There is a role for everyone to play. Some will protest. Some will make policy. Some will spread the word. Some will fund good work.  Some will have multiple roles. I hope everyone will do something.  Find a way to contribute.

This Juneteenth let’s say good-bye to enduring images of white supremacy. So long Aunt Jemima, a 131-year-old brand image on Quaker Oats’ pancake mix. According to news reports, the credit for this move goes to a TikTok viral video, entitled “How to make a nonracist breakfast,” about the history of Aunt Jemima, a mammy caricature promoting the myth of a happy slave. Thank you, PepsiCo, owner of Quaker Oats, for starting a trend among food companies. Ta-ta Uncle Ben, the brand image on a rice from South Carolina. Bye-bye to a revised brand graphic that looks like its original Rastus, an insulting term for African Americans and the Black chef on the cream of wheat box.

If you are not sure, ask for advice. If you ask someone who is not ready to answer the question, ask someone else.  In these tough times, those of us ready for the hard fight must not give up. 

Happy Juneteenth!

Holli L. Holliday is president of Sisters Lead Sisters Vote, a nonprofit c4 organization for, by and of black women.

Photo Credit: National Museum of African American History and Culture


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